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You probably have a woman in mind that you want to woo or maybe you don’t and you just bump into a woman and you were instantly attracted to her , the first thing you would want to do is to have a conversation with her. I have noticed that most men find it difficult to approach a woman and initiate conversations with them

Initiating conversation with a woman is a big challenge for most men, some are unsure of how to do this in a respectful manner without sounding rude to the woman; some can hold their own once the ball starts rolling; some cannot converse with a woman at all because they are too shy or timid while some find it hard to communicate at a casual level with other people (men and women inclusive) but   feel very comfortable talking about topics such as football, politics, science, religion etc

The most important thing to keep in mind when approaching a woman  is that first impressions are priceless and are established within the first three seconds after you introduce yourself. This means that there is no room for error and you should also know that chatting up a lady is not like in the movies where you can just walk up to a girl and drop some cheesy one liner: then they are in your bed the next morning

Don’t use pickup lines because they make the lady feel cheap and it destroys conversation. It’s hard to think of what to say afterward. Instead, start with innocent small talk, and you will have a base to build an interesting conversation on

A trick that never fails to work, is to focus all your attention and energy of the creature before you and behave as if nothing else exists in the world. Focus on what the woman needs and not what you need. For instance women are a creature of drama, and will prefer a soap opera to a sport game


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